2023 Advances in Primary Care Conference

Friday, November 3, 2023, 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM, Intermountain Medical Center, Murray, UT
AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ (6.25 hours), Non-Physician Participation AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ (6.25 hours), ANCC Contact Hour(s) (6.25 hours), ACPE Contact Hour(s) (6.25 hours)
This conference offers both in-person and virtual attendance. The purpose of this conference is to connect healthcare professionals in primary care specialties with the new information they need to deliver high quality care for their patients. During this conference, topics such as chronic disease management, preventative care, major subspecialty updates, healthcare delivery, and systems-based practice will be addressed.
- Summarize clinical updates concerning important diseases, their diagnosis, and treatment from the medical specialties.
- Describe the role of multidisciplinary teams and co-management to improve care of patients with conditions from the medical specialties and more appropriately select patients for referral and triage urgency for specialist evaluation.
- Review pre-referral evaluation and pre-referral medication management to enhance impact of specialist consultation at initial referral visit and avoid unnecessary testing and treatment.
- Participants will be able to self-report one change they will make to their practice or performance as a result of this educational event.
- Participants will self-report that their knowledge regarding evidence-based practices that can be applied to patient care in primary care and medical specialty areas increased as a result of this education.
Registration includes either in-person or virtual conference attendance, and access to online syllabus with PDF’s of presentations for both registration types. A continental breakfast and full lunch will be provided for in-person attendees. Please make sure to register for your preference, either in-person or virtual attendance.
Physicians – $200.00
Advanced Practice Providers, Pharmacists- $150.00
Nurses, and Others – $100.00