Pathways to Practice: Personal Finance and Employment Contracts for Students and Residents
Medical students, current residents, and attending physicians looking for a refresher – join us for Pathways to Practice: Personal Finance and Employment Contracts for Students and Residents
When: Saturday, October 2, 2021 2:00pm- 5:30pm
Where: Online – Zoom info provided with registration
Who: 3rd & 4th year med students, current residents, and any physician interested in learning more about personal finance and employment contracts
Cost: Free!
2:00pm – 2:30pm | What I wish I had known as a young physician | Chad Spain
2:30pm – 3:30pm | Giving residents the confidence that they have the money to do what they love, both now and in the future | Sara Walker
3:30pm – 5:30pm | The ten most important details in your first physician employment agreement | Michael Blackburn
A drawing will be held at the conclusion of the program and 15 winners will have the choice to receive access to financial planning services OR an employment contract review! (a value of up to $200).*
*Must attend program to win. Drawing limited to current UAFP members attending medical school or completing a family medicine residency.