Implicit Bias Curriculum

SECTION 2 (course pre-work)



Sample Training Agenda for CME & Ski

Welcome and Introductions  - Chad and Maryann

SECTION 1 - Purpose and Overview of the Course (Emily) 


SECTION 3 - Creating Safe and Inclusive Learning Environments (Rebecca)




SECTION 4 - The Science Behind Implicit Bias and Implicit Bias and Patient Outcomes (Jessica and Franz)


*Lunch (30 minutes)*

Mitigating Bias in Clinical Practice and Case Studies (Chad and David)



Making and Implementing Your Plan into Practice  (Danielle)

Course Evaluation and Wrap-up (Jose and Maryann)

ABFM Health Disparities/Equity Self-Directed Clinical PI Activity - Take what you have discussed tonight and apply it towards your certification requirements while improving these things within your practice.  The ABFM’s Health Disparities/Equity Self-Directed Clinical activity will provide a mechanism for you to meet your PI requirement by submitting how you have assessed and improved the way that your practice addressed social determinants of health; health equity (broadly defined); and/or systemic ways in which you assure that patient access, experience and care are equitable. This activity can address many different dimensions of care—such as assessing race/ethnicity, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation/gender identity, disability, rural, and the underserved.  You can then plan an intervention to close gaps in care, such as disparate outcomes of common screening activities (cancer, HIV) and/or conditions (quality measures for hypertension, diabetes).

This activity can be found on the “Certification Activities” page of your Physician Portfolio.  By completing this activity, you will meet your PI requirement, obtain 20 certification points as well as 20 CME credits.