Are you interested in healthcare advocacy and want to learn more? We’ve created some easy-to-follow training modules. These PowerPoint modules that can be watched sequentially or in any order of interest. Link to each of the modules by clicking on the title of the corresponding module listed below or by clicking the "next module" button at the bottom of each page.
The five modules are:
Intro to Advocacy – if you’re new to advocacy or need a quick refresher, this module gives an overview of what advocacy is, why family physicians should get involved, and the many ways to advocate.
UAFP Advocacy – this module explains the three pillars of UAFP advocacy with examples of policies UAFP has successfully advocated for.
Legislative 101 – for those looking to advocate with legislators, this module will walk you through the details of legislative advocacy.
Express Yourself – looking to write an opinion piece or a letter-to-the-editor? Module 4 explains the process with all the necessary details to write and submit your letter.
Getting in the Game – this module is for those ready to engage with opportunities for involvement and action items to follow.
Add-ons – for those interested in more, contact Maryann Martindale at Additional opportunities include:
- One-on-one meetings/calls with UAFP CEO/Lobbyist
- Scheduled meetings with your legislators
- Opportunities to speak during the legislative session
- Personalized and/or group trainings
NOTE: These modules are phase 1. Future phases will include audio and video. As we’re working on the next phase, we’d love to hear from you. If you have any feedback on these modules, please email