Congratulations 2025 Poster Session Winners

UAFP hosted another student & resident poster session in conjunction with our CME & Ski conference. Nine groups of residents and students presented their research to our judges and attendees at the conference and all of them did an outstanding job. Thank you to our judges and to our Poster Session sponsor, Comagine, for providing the prize money for our three winners! Congratulations to all our winners and thank you to everyone who showcased their research this year.

First Place

Efficacy of Osteoporosis Education in Rural Populations
– presented by Serin Baker, Lauren Draper, and Rachael Prawitz.

Second Place

Investigating Aspirin Prescribing Rates for Pre-Eclampsia Prophylaxis
– Presented by Prashanth Fenn, MD

Third Place

Utilizing Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine to Support Lifestyle and Behavior Change
– Presented by Katelyn Bercaw and Catherine Arnold