Archive for December 2021
What are the real risks & benefits of the COVID-19 vaccine?
Dr. Leisha Nolen, State Epidemiologist On Thursday, December 9, 2021, State Epidemiologist, Dr. Leisha Nolen joined us for a one-hour presentation and Q & A on the risks and benefits of the COVID-19 vaccine for primary care providers and public health professionals. Download PDF of Presentation Slides here
Read MoreChild Care Licensing Committee Recruitment
The Utah Department of Health is seeking physician representation on two state Child Care Licensing Committees: the Residential Child Care Licensing Advisory Committee and the Child Care Center Licensing Committee. The committees are an opportunity for clinicians to assist the Utah Department of Health in maintaining high quality child care delivery while gaining knowledge into child care issues. There…
Read MoreVolunteers Needed To Serve as Multiple Mini Interview (MMI) Evaluators for University of Utah School of Medicine
The MMI is designed to assess communication skills, specifically verbal and nonverbal skills that cannot be measured by standardized exams or transcripts. The MMI typically consists of four very short interviews pertaining to the following Teamwork & Professionalism; Compassion & Service Orientation; Motivation, Preparedness for Medicine & Personal Awareness; and Social & Cultural Awareness. Volunteers…
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