Highlights from UMA House of Delegates
By Saphu Pradhan, MD, FAAFP
UAFP President

The Utah Medical Association House of Delegates (UMA HOD) meeting is an annual opportunity for representatives from individual physician groups with membership in the UMA to represent their specialty’s association, county of residence, training entity, or other medical organization, to guide the direction of the UMA in issues pertaining to physicians, our practices, patients, and communities. It was an honor for me to serve as a delegate representing the UAFP as president of the board this year.
The 2022 meeting was quite eventful with a record number of resolutions discussed, debated, and modified. The issues ranged from the study of environmental factors affecting health to increasing access and coverage for medical services like newborn home visits, contraceptives and obesity treatment, to expanding insurance coverage and reimbursement. There was also a lively discussion regarding the importance of board certification and maintenance. The UAFP proposed a resolution which upon slight modification of the language, received unanimous support. The resolution protects interstate travel for Utah patients and physicians who legally obtain or perform a medical service in another state. Regardless of our personal beliefs on many of the issues, it was encouraging to see such unity in safe-guarding the physician-patient relationship.
One of the most exciting aspects of this year’s UMA HOD was how many family medicine physicians are now serving in leadership positions at UMA!
President: Mark R. Greenwood, MD
President-Elect: Jesse Spencer, MD
Speaker of the House: Sarah Woosley, MD, MPH, FAAFP
Vice-Speaker of the House: Karen Radley, MD
At-large Director: Carissa Monroy, MD
Each year UAFP has approximately 18-20 delegate spots open to attend UMA HOD to represent family physicians. We encourage you to save the date for next year’s UMA HOD on September 8-9, 2023 to represent family medicine!