Member of the Week: Dr. Brian Zehnder
Practice: Medical Director and chief strategist for Exodus Healthcare Network, a multispecialty private company whose vision is to be a catalyst in the blessing of hope, health and prosperity for Magna and her neighbors.
Residency: University of Utah

Have you completed any additional fellowships or training? Special interest in gastroenterology, commercial real estate, and community redevelopment.
A bit about Dr. Zehnder: Original Michigander, couples-matched with Jean in Utah, three grown children. Avid long-distance trail runner, back-country, and bike. Fell into politics as a Utah State Senator, UAFP Past-President, and serve Utah in the DOPL and Cannabinoid Research Division.
What keeps you passionate about family medicine? Maintain your sweet spot: what you would do if you had unlimited resources, time and energy. Then just do it — life’s short, so have fun.
What do you wish you’d known when graduating from med school? Business can be fun. In fact, there is no better way to be in control of your destiny and life mission.
Where will we find you on your day off? Trail running or back-country skiing.
What are you…
watching right now: Don’t watch much TV, but I’ll sit down with anyone who wants to see the Sound of Music.
reading right now: The One Thing, by Gary Keller
listening to right now: Audio book titled Atlas Shrugged, by Ayn Rand