UAFP Annual Meeting 2022

UAFP’s Annual Meeting was held this year at Thanksgiving Point. We are so glad to be able to host this event in-person once again and see so many physicians at every stage of their careers; from those early in their medical school journey to those semi-retired. We were also excited to kick off our 75th anniversary as family physician association in Utah this year!

UAFP also presented the 2022 Utah Family Medicine Physician of the Year to Dr. Erika Anne Sullivan and the 2022 Utah Family Medicine Champion of the Year to Representative Jennifer Dailey-Provost. You can view videos highlighting each of these fantastic awardees here:

Video honoring Dr. Sullivan
Video honoring Representative Dailey-Provost

UAFP also welcomed AAFP President Dr. Sterling Ransone Jr. as our keynote speaker as this year’s event. Dr. Ransone also conducted the swearing-in ceremony of UAFP’s new board president for 2022-23, Dr. Saphu Pradhan and conferred three new AAFP Fellows, Dr. Michael Chen, Dr. Saphu Pradhan, and Dr. Heather Sojourner.

We hope that you can join us next year in the fall of 2023 for this annual celebration of family medicine in Utah!